In between the biggest Starship in Star Wars, The Supremacy, and Grievous’ elusive Soulless One, there are over 250 different vehicles in the whole canonical storyline of the franchise. We’ve chosen some of the coolest of them. Check them out.

The Supremacy
Let us start with the terrifyingly gargantuan mega-class Star Destroyer called The Supremacy, featured in Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. At more than three times the size of the Executor, the seemingly unbeatable Supreme Leader Snoke’s starship is an impressively drawn piece of design with a wingspan of 60 km. That said, the gigantic starship meets its demise when the relatively small yet bullet-shaped Raddus cuts it through.

While The Supremacy may be an overkill, the Executor is probably just right to showcase the power of the Empire, at 19,000 meters long. If you landed it in the New York City, it would take up nearly the entire land area of Manhattan! Immense size apparently doesn’t make it invulnerable. In Return of the Jedi, a little nudge from a Rebel pilot knocks the Executor out of balance, crashing into the Death Star.

With enough firepower to take down an entire squadron, it is no surprise the Fulminatrix dominates space. Stretching to 7,700 meters long, it’s a gentle behemoth of the First Order. Despite having more than two dozen cannons and two orbital guns, the Fulminatrix doesn’t stand a chance against a lone Resistance bomber. In fact, it lasts for less than 15 minutes in The Last Jedi.

Trade Federation Battleship
A frightening symbol of total destruction in The Phantom Menace, the Trade Federation Battleship has a unique crescent-shape design. It is a base for thousands of starfighters and countless weapons aiming in all directions. The commanders prefer to stay reclusive in their chambers and let the droids handle the operation of the starship.

Millennium Falcon
No starship in the Star Wars universe (and probably the whole sci-fi franchise for that matter) is more popular and recognizable than the Millennium Falcon. Both the first and second owners of the ship, Lando Calrissian and Han Solo, have done a series of extensive modifications to make it the quickest, nimblest, most evasive starship in space. Once again, it is the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy.

X-wing Starfighter
Equipped with two torpedo launchers and four laser cannons, the X-wing Starfighter has proven to be an agile aggressive opponent in the face of the mighty Empire. Small size and aerodynamic configurations give the Starfighter every advantage it needs during a dogfight. In the hands of a Force-sensitive pilot, like Luke Skywalker, the X-wing is capable of inflicting irreparable damage to the Death Star.

Y-wing Starfighter
It is true that Luke gets the biggest credit for the destruction of Death Star in A New Hope, but it’s only fair to remember the presence of a squadron of Y-wing vessels in the scene too. In the aftermath of the bombing, at least one evades the blast intact. The Y-wing has always been a true workhorse, taking parts in countless combats against ground targets and capital ships.

B-wing Fighter
Among the strangely designed vehicles in Star Wars, the B-wing takes the throne as the most ungainly of all. It is a brilliant piece of engineering that the command-pod comes equipped with an advanced gyroscopic control, allowing the cockpit to stay upright at all times, even when the starship is upside down in unlikely angles. It may not be the most agile starship, but its firepower makes for an effective defense.

TIE Fighter
The undisputed representative of the Imperial’s domination in the sky is the TIE fighter. Every battle station and Star Destroyer has a fleet of this starship ready for dogfights. TIE fighter is a single-seat starship designed to be lightweight, fast-paced opponent of the X-wing. The original model leads to other designs in the family including TIE Bomber and TIE Interceptor.

Darth Vader’s TIE Fighter
One TIE Fighter deserves a distinction thanks to the pilot, Darth Vader. It is an experimental design known as TIE Advanced x1. Armament includes cluster missiles, two laser cannons, and the most dangerous weapon in the galaxy: Darth Vader himself. The Dark Lord of the Sith takes part in many battles over the course of the Galactic Civil War in the starship.

TIE Interceptor
Measuring at 9.6 meters in length, the starship with bent wings is called a TIE Interceptor, the next generation Imperial TIE Fighter. The new model is faster (this alone would make it enough of a highlight) and equipped with better weapons. TIE Interceptor is a prominent starship during the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi.

TIE Silencer
Another version of the TIE, dubbed the Silencer, is bigger but more aerodynamic than the Interceptor. It is a 17-meter long starship, and when piloted by Kylo Ren in The Last Jedi, capable of slithering through space like a hot knife cuts butter. While it has everything to do with Ren being the descendant of a brilliant pilot, the TIE Silencer also deserves credit for being an awesome ship.

A-wing Fighter
Boasting a faster top speed than even the TIE Interceptor, the 9.6 meters long A-wing Fighter is a primary twin-engine starship for Resistance and Rebels pilots in Return of the Jedi and The Last Jedi. The streamlined cockpit and arrowhead design are paired with pivoting laser blasters on the wingtips. Although the design is no longer new, the A-wing remains a formidable starship in the battle against the First Order.

Delta-7 Jedi Starfighter
Unlike most starships in the Star Wars galaxy, the Delta-7 Jedi Starfighter is designed specifically for the Force-sensitive. It has no pilot-assistance system because it will only interfere with Force-triggered maneuvers. The starship is meant to be as fast as the Force will allow, turning like a dart to every direction in any angle, inflicting damage to the enemies then evading retaliatory fire. In short, a Jedi can pilot it with nothing but mind power.

Tantive IV
Nothing comes close to Tantive IV when it comes historical importance. It is the first starship introduced in the Star Wars galaxy. Darth Vader in the Imperial Star Destroyer intercepts and overtakes the ship without much difficulty. Leia reclaims the ship later on, but it finally takes its last flight during the Battle of Exegol.

The Ghost
As the only starship in the entire galaxy to come equipped with an all-around cannon turret, The Ghost easily stands out in space. It makes a debut appearance in Star Wars Rebels, piloted by Hera Syndulla. Other armaments include forward and rear laser cannons. Inside The Ghost is a secondary shuttle that can function as a starfighter – useful when you can fly across Imperial sensors undetected.

Soulless One
With such a cool-sounding name, it is almost blasphemy not to include General Grievous’ starfighter in the list. The Soulless One features six laser cannons in total, with respectable agility and speed to escape a serious chase. In fact, the heavily-modified and impervium-armored starship is exceptionally good at escaping a battle; it earns the nickname “Spineless One.”
We love the cool and amazing starships that feature in the Star Wars movies. Which one is your favorite? Let us know. We’d love to hear from you.
Here are some other things you might want to know about.
What are some of the best Star Wars spaceships?
According to there are many spaceships to love. Here are their 25 best.
- X-wing
- TIE Fighter
- Millennium Falcon
- Super Star Destroyer
- Y-wing
- B-wing
- Snoke’s Supremacy Flagship
- Slave I
- The Ghost
- Jedi Starfighter
- Lambda-classT-4a Shuttle
- N-1 Naboo Starfighter
- Kylo REN’s Upsilon-class Command Shuttle
- Ebon Hawk
- Scimitar Sith Infiltrator
- Inderdictor Star Destroyer
- Solar Sailer
- The Fireball
- Clawcraft
- Zonama Skelton Shuttle
- Outrider
- Sun Crusher
- Outbound Flight
- Hammerhead-class Cruiser
- The Ravager
Here’s some great trivia about characters and their ships.
Darth Vader-Executor
KYLO Ren-Finalizer
Palpatine-The Eclipse
Anakin-The Resolute
Snoke-The Supremacy
Darth Maul-Sith Infiltrator
Luke Skywalker-Harix
Count Dooku-Solar Sailer
Obi-Wan-Delta 7
General Grievous-Soulless One
Princess Leia-Tantive IV
Jango Fett-Slave I
Admiral Raddus-The Produndity
Han Solo-Millennium Falcon
What are some facts about The Millennium Falcon?
According to there are 9 little known facts about this junkiest spaceship in the Star Wars galaxy.
- It’s from Han Solo’s home planet.
- The Falcon is a Corellian YT-1300.
- It was Chewie who requested the iconic Dejarik table.
- Han won the Falcon from Lando.
- The Falcon was used by a secretive Republic Group under the moniker Stellar Envoy.
- The Falcon was briefly in the hands of the Empire.
- Han’s first trip in the Falcon was to Kashyyyk.
- Han once used the Falcon to kidnap Leia.
- Lando won the ship back but gave it to Han to impress an important EU figure.
Check out for more information on these little-known facts.