High on Life is a comedy-driven first-person shooter set in a bizarre sci-fi universe. Created by the team led by Justin Roiland, co-creator of Rick and Morty, the game blends fast-paced combat with absurd humour, vibrant alien worlds, and a cast of talking weapons. With its unique narrative style and offbeat humour, High on Life offers a distinctive twist on the traditional FPS formula.
Plot and Setting
The story begins with Earth being invaded by the G3 Cartel, a criminal organization that uses humans as a drug source. Players take on the role of a slacker turned bounty hunter, tasked with saving humanity and dismantling the G3 Cartel.
The setting spans a variety of surreal alien worlds, each filled with strange creatures, quirky NPCs, and vibrant landscapes. The game’s world is both colourful and chaotic, providing a backdrop for its comedic and action-packed narrative.
Gameplay Mechanics
- Talking Weapons: The hallmark feature of the game is its arsenal of sentient guns, each with its own personality, voice, and abilities. These weapons not only assist in combat but also interact with the player, providing dialogue, jokes, and commentary throughout the journey.
- Combat and Abilities: The gameplay includes fast-paced shooting mechanics, with weapons offering unique fire modes and special abilities, like grappling or slowing time.
- Exploration: Players explore a variety of alien environments, uncovering secrets, completing side quests, and interacting with eccentric characters.
- Upgrades and Customization: Bounty hunter suits and weapons can be upgraded with new abilities, improving combat effectiveness and traversal.
- Bounties: The game’s structure revolves around hunting down members of the G3 Cartel, culminating in challenging boss battles filled with chaotic action and humour.
- Comedy and Satire: The game leans heavily into absurd humour and satirical takes on sci-fi tropes, gaming culture, and modern society.
- Underdog Heroism: Players embody a reluctant hero rising to the occasion, transitioning from a nobody to a galaxy-saving bounty hunter.
- Freedom and Exploration: The game encourages players to explore at their own pace, uncovering hidden secrets and engaging in optional content.
Visuals and Audio
The visuals are vibrant and psychedelic, with alien worlds that feel alive and brimming with personality. The character designs are cartoonish and surreal, fitting the game’s comedic tone.
The voice acting, led by Justin Roiland and a talented cast, is a major highlight. The dialogue is filled with witty banter, absurd jokes, and meta-humour. The soundtrack complements the sci-fi setting, mixing electronic beats with atmospheric tracks.
Have you played High On Life? What’s your favourite part of it? We’d love to hear from you.
Other things you might want to know:
Is High On Life from Rick and Morty?
It is Rick and Morty inspired, as is developed by the co-creator, Justin Roiland and his development studio: Squanch Games.
Is High in Life worth playing?
It’s a decent FPS if you like the kind of humour it uses.
Is High On Life for kids?
Not recommended for children.
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